, Decor ideas to make your home Instagram-worthy – BandBox.in

Decor ideas to make your home Instagram-worthy

01/10Make your home Instagram-worthy

The world of Instagram is raiding our daily lives with out-of-this-world pictures and every time we click a picture, it is aimed at being Insta-worthy. And when it comes to posting pictures of our cosy abodes, it is assumed that we need to invest in relevant decor for a perfect picture but it is only about a few basic points that you need to keep in mind while clicking a picture and get an outstanding result. We got in touch with an Instagram blogger Geetanjali Bahadur who guided us on how to choose things that look beautiful in pictures and make your home look Insta-worthy in every picture.

02/10Statement Wall

Try and have one or two statement walls in your home, preferably something that resonates with your personality and tells a story. A statement wall makes a great background for a good-looking picture.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram

03/10Save your travel souvenirs

Curate and handpick décor pieces on your travels and decorate them in your house so that they speak volumes about your well-travelled journey. Try picking up things from local vendors and think beyond fridge magnets.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram

04/10Expensive versus the home-grown labels

Strike a balance between products from large retail chains and smaller home-grown labels. It will make your home look unique.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram
05/10Change is good
Keep changing the decor by shuffling the setting so that it gives a fresh look to your home. It need not be an expensive ordeal, moving around a few things always helps.

Homemade Story/ Instagram
06/10Add Greens and fresh flowers
Plants make your home look Instagram-worthy and they are great, natural air-purifiers too. They relieve stress and makes and your home, happy. It’s truly a win-win situation.
1. To begin with, get easy to maintain plants.
2. Get cool and quirky planters.
3. Try and get fresh flowers as much as you can.
4. Some artificial creepers also can act as good fillers.
5. Add candles wherever and whenever possible.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram

07/10Use candles wherever you can

Candles can add that much needed dramatic touch to your room. Use them wisely. Light them for an evening party or dinner and see the magic they create.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram

08/10Statement Rugs and Cushions

Update your rooms with pretty cotton for your summer look and replace them in the colder months with velvets, weaves and woollen cushions.

Image credit: Shutterstock.com

09/10Fairy Lights

Fairy lights can really enliven any space of your room. They are easily available in varied shapes and colours online and in your local market.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram

10/10White or pastel Colored linen

White and pastels make your room look spacious and also give a dreamy touch to it. Mostly choose light-coloured linen when it comes to your bedroom or table upholstery.

Image credit: Homemade Story/ Instagram
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